cabbages vs adventureBlog

Cabbages vs Adventure

cabbages_vs_adventure.jpg#asset:604:thumHello, Adrian here.

I bet many of you would probably prefer to mark 20 essays on the subject of 'average cabbage size in the 1960s', rather than trawl through another e-newsletter.

AM I WRONG? Of course not. Which is why our newsletters from now on are going to be different / weird / quirky / rude / brilliant / annoying [delete as appropriate...]

"A change is as good as a break", they say. Well, we've done both. It's been a year since our last newsletter - we haven't been slacking, honest - a year in which we've had a Royal baby (not actually 'us' you understand, more the 'Royal' 'we'), the Olympic buzz has well and truly exited the stadium, and Gareth Bale has found the grass is as green as green can be over in sunny Spain – who would have thought given their climate?

So, here's to a new style, a lot more fun and more excitement in the world of educational travel than you can shake an incense stick at.

Bon voyage,


In this issue:

Wandering Will Hatton

Lots of Nakedness

Expedition innovation