
Hands-on family holidays

Are you looking for something different from your family holiday?

Something more experiential or meaningful perhaps? Getting involved with local communities or conservation projects as part of a family adventure is a great way to ensure you drive money directly to a local community or make a contribution to long term conservation. We have a fantastic range of hands-on family adventure holidays, from the UK's leading adventure travel companies. We can offer dozens of itineraries around the world - perfect for families wanting a deeper and more meaningful experience from their precious holiday time together.

The following are a recommended selection - contact us for more detailed itineraries, alternative destinations, bespoke projects for private groups, flights or to tailor-make a holiday just for your family.

Zambia: Canoe Safari & Community / village stay:15848.jpg

Zambia is an African gem filled with fantastic wildlife and beautiful scenery. The Zambezi River itself supports an immense amount of bird and wildlife, and we travel down this river on a canoe safari while camping out on deserted islands under the stars - the perfect way to experience the tranquillity of this important river. There is ample opportunity for game viewing whilst on the river and also whilst ëon landí at game reserves. Whilst here, we also have the chance to do some volunteer work: participating on animal protection walks, or visiting the children and assisting with the vegetable garden at a local school. This trip is perfect for the active family who want to experience the Zambian wilderness, canoeing along the Zambezi, enjoy viewing the wildlife in a game reserve, and also leave knowing they have given something back to the people and the area.

Length of trip: either 10 days

Price: 10 days from £1,459 per person including international flights.

Peru: Pometales School Library Project:

Peru is a fascinating country with incredibly beautiful scenery. Our summer is the perfect time of year to travel too ñ the days are clear and sunny, although it can get cold at night. After spending a few days acclimatising and taking in the sights of Cusco this trip begins with a trek at Ollantaytambo, into the Andes to enjoy spectacular mountain views and walk via Inca quarries to the villages of Huayraspuncu and Chancachuco. Descending to the villages of Parpishu, Quillarumi and finally to Pomatales where we'll commence our project. Located close to the Sacred Valley, Pomatales is built alongside the Huarocondo River. Although trekking groups pass through this village to reach the trailhead for the Moonstone trek, very few of them stop in Pomatales or have ever offered any sort of assistance. Pomatales has about 250 inhabitants who live primarily from farming, and it has its own school with 3 teachers for 6 grades with a total of 61 students between the ages of 6 and 16 years. The community has asked us to help construct a library for their school with a study area for the older students. The aim is to complete to roof level the library structure so that local workers can complete the roofing work, which will involve a traditional ceremony where they name the group of participants as godfathers and godmothers of the roof. Following the completion of our project we train journey to Aguas Calientes and to the enigmatic ruins of Machu Picchu before returning to Cusco for our flight to Lima. There is an alternative itinerary available should you not wish to do the 4-day trek.

Length of trip: 17 days

Price: Ground arrangements - £1,590 per person,

International Flights: allow approx £900 - £1,000 per person.

Thailand - Andaman Community Experience:


On this trip you'll visit some of the must-see spectacles in Thailand's capital, Bangkok - Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha, within the grounds of the Grand Palace) and the 46m-long Reclining Buddha at Wat Po. The vibrant beachside town of Ao Nang is the gateway to some of the most beautiful islands off the Andaman Coast. You've plenty of time to enjoy the white sand beach, try a spot of diving or some snorkelling or even visit the nearby islands or secluded beaches. Much quieter than Ao Nand, Koh Lanta is a great place for families. Aside from its idyllic beaches, much of the island is covered with mangroves and jungle coated hillsides - plenty for you to explore during your stay. During your extended stay in the local community, you can get stuck into an array of activities which include English lessons and games with the children, Thai dessert making, Nipa Palm roof weaving, fishing on the beach and a long-tail boat trip through the mangrove forest. You head down to Khao Sok National Park from Bangkok, where you can enjoy trekking in the oldest evergreen rainforest in the world. It's huge towering limestone mountains create a spectacular scene. You'll walk through the jungle with your guide to discover this beautiful National Park's amazing biodiversity.

Length of trip: 15 days.

Prices: from around £2,100 per person including international flights

Sri Lanka: Primate Conversation and adventure: SS_MONKEY_TOQUE.jpg

Sri Lanka is world famous for its beautiful beaches and friendly people and has been described as being the finest island of its size anywhere in the world. Behind the beautiful coastline there is a lush interior with thick jungles, mountains, rolling hills and vast palm and banana plantations cut by high waterfalls and rushing rivers. In addition, there is a long and interesting history, beautiful Buddhist temples, spice gardens, abundant wildlife and a warm welcome. Sri Lanka has emerged from its troubled past and for the first time in 30 years, the UK Foreign Office has no travel warnings in place for the country. It is safe, welcoming and now is a perfect time to visit. On this itinerary you get to experience the best of what Sri Lanka has to offer and sample the unique opportunity to get ëhands oní at a primate conservation camp, tracking monkeys with a team of expert researchers in Polonnaruwa. There is also the opportunity to visit temples and jungles, experience village life, tea plantations, elephant sanctuaries, dug out canoe river trips and also go on ësafarií on elephant back. This is a really varied and interesting trip.

Length of trip: 16 days

Prices: from £1,779 per person including international flights

Vietnam - Hands on Hanoi: SS_NVIETLADYCHILDSAPA_18893_0.jpg

Mix an exciting visit to Vietnam with a more meaningful experience, making a difference to the lives of disadvantaged children. Not only do you get to see the memorable highlights of this wonderful country ñ the limestone peaks of Halong Bay, the majestic city of Hanoi, a visit to the famous Mekong Delta ñ you also get to lend a hand at the Thuya An Rehabilitation Centre, assisting with maintenance projects to improve the facilities for the children who attend here. The trip includes varied accommodation including homestays, 1 night on a boat, hotels and an overnight train, as well as transport by rickshaw, boats, trains and internal flights. This is a chance to see the highlights of beautiful Vietnam, including many great details such as water puppets and the Cu Chi Tunnels, with an optional extension to the amazing temples at Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Length of trip: 18 days (+ optional extension of 3 or 4 days) Prices: from £2,079 per person including international flights + optional extension of £560 pp .........

Laos and Vietnam ñ Authentic Indochina: SS_HFVL_4.jpg

Be part of this brand new Adventure, where you will help to fight poverty, preserve traditional culture and conserve nature. In addition to this,†discover some of the best highlights in Vietnam and Laos - Ho Chi Minh City and the Cu Chi tunnels, the Mekong Delta, Colonial Hanoi, spectacular Halong Bay, Luang Prabang and have fun helping out with a village community on the Seuang River. †Youíll visit a retirement home for logging elephants, see the alms giving in Luang Prabang, learn how to cook authentic Laos food when staying in the home of a local, take part in a reforestation project, float down rivers on bamboo rafts and enjoy sports, dancing, songs and more with local school children and villagers. Length of trip: 14 days Prices: from £2,299 per person including international flights. .........

Costa Rica ñ Turtles, Rivers and Mountains: HFRP_3.jpg

This diverse itinerary offers you the chance to get up close to the leatherback and green turtles that inhabit the Caribbean coastline of Costa Rica. While staying at the Pacuare Reserve turtle conservation project in Tortuguero National Park you can take part in turtle patrols - protecting the nests, hiding them from poachers and helping to measure and tag the turtles, all of which helps to preserve this fragile ecosystem. In addition to the turtle project, youíll also get to white-water raft through pristine jungle and rainforest, see active volcanoes, explore unique ëcloud forestí and other national parks looking for birds and wildlife as well as relax on fabulous beaches. Length of trip: 15 days Prices: from £2,199 per person including international flights Contact us for more information on any of the above hands-on volunteering holidays, including flight times, availability, departure dates, bespoke projects for private groups, information on visas, climate, minimum ages and more.

Tel: 01392 660056
