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Hidden Journeys - New Flight Routes

Launched late last year, Hidden Journeys from the Royal Geographical Society explores the incredible places we see from the air as we fly over. The series of flight paths are brought to life through a combination of stories, maps and stunning images. The RGS has now released two new flight paths - Miami to Buenos Aires and Cairo to Doha.


Main image details: “Boating in the Florida Keys” - Natural tidal channels allow boats to weave between islands and inlets on the Florida Keys. © Jim Crocker

Miami to Buenos Aires:

A fascinating story exists between the bustling ports of Miami and Buenos Aires which explores the changing geography of Central and South America since the arrival of the first conquistadors in the 16th century. Many of the beautiful natural landscapes along the flight path have seen considerable change: from the chain of coral islands that dangle from the southern tip of the USA known as the Florida Keys, to the enormous meanders of the Amazon River and vast agricultural plains of Argentina. However, new tribes and societies are even being discovered today: half way through the flight path is a glimpse of the un-contacted tribe.

Cairo to Doha:

From ancient Arab settlements to the oil fuelled glass and steel skyscrapers of modern Doha, this flight path explores the elaborate relationship of water, oil and trade in the human and physical geography of this region.

Explore the dry river beds of Wadi Rum and the vibrant wildlife of the Persian Gulf to discover how water has helped to shape the landscape and provide habitats for many species, including homo sapiens. Yet the sea also provides a pivotal method of transport to and from the coastal cities of Cairo, Suez and Doha, connecting them to the rest of the world via international shipping routes.

In the 20th century these shipping routes facilitated the distribution of one of the Middle East's most famous exports: crude oil. The revenues generated through the export of crude oil are clearly proven in the striking architecture and rich economies of Doha and Saudi Arabia.

More details at: www.hiddenjourneys.co.uk