
Home-visit service announced

PRESS RELEASE - 26 January 2011

The Specialist Travel Consultancy (the STC), an Exeter-based independent travel agency which organises different and adventurous family holidays and school expeditions across the globe, today announced the launch of its new, free, after-hours home visits service. The new service will enable families to discuss holiday ideas in the comfort of their own home, at a convenient time with an experienced member of the STC team. STC Director Adrian Ferraro, who has travelled with his own young children to Morocco and other adventurous destinations, knows the challenges in finding time in family life to plan holidays: ìDue to other commitments, itís sometimes difficult for families to come in and see us, so we thought weíd take our service to them, at a time that suits them. This opportunity will allow families to explore different options and draw on our knowledge, all with absolutely no obligation.î Families simply need to phone to arrange a convenient time and a team member will visit them. If you want to find out more about the services offered, the STC has teamed up with the kit experts at Cotswold Outdoor and Exeterís Travel Health Consultancy to present talks on worldwide adventure, walking & trekking, and European activity holidays at 4 pm on Saturdays: 29 January, 5 February and 12 March 2011 at the popular Darts Farm Shopping Village in Topsham. †The talks will provide inspiration and advice on how families with children of all ages can enjoy fun, eye-opening and enriching adventures.

The Specialist Travel Consultancy is an independent travel agency who specialise in organising adventurous family holidays and school expeditions across the globe (

For further information, please contact Adrian Ferraro of the STC on 01392 660056 or Suzie Creighton of Castlegate Communications on 0772 999 3721 or