
Matterhorn at 13, Everest at 29... What Next?

A father and son (now aged 29) have both conquered Everest - the first British father-son pair to do so. A good few years back, they also conquered the Matthorn together - when the boy was just 13 years old!

Is it just me or is there a constant stream of children and teenagers doing incredible feats of mountaineering / solo-sailing / one-upmanship and such like these days?

I'm all for adventure and challenging young people (I regularly take my own boys rock climbing and trekking up mountains) but is it 'healthy' for children and teenagers to go after such extreme goals? What do they do afterwards? Is it 'natural' for young people to want to achieve such goals or is it inevitable that some 'pushing' has to go on from, well, you-know-who?

We'd be interested in your points of view. Leave us a comment on the blog below or on our facebook page.