
Off-site Safety Management INSET Day

This one day insight course is designed to get delegates thinking about the processes and procedures required to effectively plan and manage visits and trips off the school site – both in the UK and abroad.

Through the use of scenarios and ‘what if?’ questioning, as well as highlighting relevant sources of information, the course is deliberately designed to ask more questions than it answers.

It's a great opportunity to bring staff and senior managers together for frank discussion with time to think about existing processes and procedures for off-site visits, and how policies can be improved.

Session 1: Scenarios & what if? Introduction to the day with aims and objectives. We will discuss various scenarios that could occur on an off-school-site visit and ask “how well are you prepared to handle them?”

Session 2: Planning, preparation and training The principles of risk management and asking ‘what if?’ questions. This session focuses on the importance of thorough planning, preparation and training. Risk assessment techniques, assessing the needs of the group, sources of information, collection of relevant participant information as well as safety/legal guidelines and frameworks that need to be taken into account will be discussed.

Session 3: Trip management and incident response What management procedures, resources and expertise have you got in place? How well trained are your staff, both those at home and those on the trip, to cope with unexpected events or manage an incident should one occur? Do you have the necessary communications, parental / legal support and media management plans in place to ensure that incidents are managed effectively?

Session 4: Learning from others What can we learn from previous trips and minor/major incidents and where do you go from here? Through discussion of fictitious scenarios and actual events, learn how and why post event evaluation is critical to progressing safety management within your school.

Feedback and testimonials

79% rate the course as excellent. 21% rates it as very good.

"It helped to confirm what I knew, but gave me plenty of new things to add to plans and develop."

"It made me excited about doing more trips, but made me aware of the seriousness of complications which could arise, and how to prepare to avoid them."

"As a summary one day course it covered all the ground well, stimulating much thought and discussions, without descending into too much detail."

"Very thought provoking: Planning, preparation and training!"

"An extremely valuable day!"


INSET Day price for up to 24 staff: £825 + VAT. The price includes full course notes. Please contact us for larger groups.

If, on attending this 1-day insight course, delegates feel more thorough training of school staff is required, then the recognised two day Off Site Safety Management Course can be delivered on your school premises as part of your on-going professional development programme.