machu picchuBlog

School Visits to Peru

Planning a trip to Peru?

Peru is a destination with so much to offer school and college trips. From the coast to the mountains th the Amazon Rainforest the cirriculum comes alive. Surrounded by awe-inspiring scenery - geography, history, languages, culture and ecology are witnessed in a land of adventure.

Take a peek at this itinerary, costing around £2000 per student depending on flights and the time of year.

Suggested Itinerary

Day 1: Fly from the UK to Lima and onward toJuliaca. Transfer to Puno on the shores of Lake Titicaca at 3800m, the worldís highest navigable lake.

Day 2. The rest of the day has been left free to allow you the chance to take things easy and help your body acclimatize as much as possible. There is the option to visit the Sillustani ruins in the afternoon.

Day 3: Today take a boat trip on Lake Titicaca to the floating reed islands of the Uros Indians and the island of Taquile. Continuing into the lake you arrive at Taquile Island covered in pre-Inca farming terraces and small villages.

Day 4: A long (7 hour) but classic journey across the expansive ëaltiplanoí your route takes you over the La Raya pass (4321m) to Racchi, site of the Inca Viracocha temple. Continuing your journey the scenery changes as you enter the lower fertile valleys still worked by beasts or groups of industrious villagers before arriving in Cusco

Day 5: The imperial capital of Cusco bears witness to the extraordinary skill of Inca stone-masons. Visit the impressive Inca ruins of Sacsayhuaman just outside the city.

Day 6: You drive from Cusco into the Sacred Valley (approx. 2 hours). This is the heartland of the Inca Empire. With its warm climate and fertile soil, the Sacred Valley was considered the greenhouse of the Incas. Start with a visit to the village of Pisac (2950m) then onto the ruined fortress of Ollantaytambo.

Day 7: The morning is kept free for optional walks or mountain biking in the Sacred Valley. You will transfer around lunch time to Ollantaytambo station to board the train for the spectacular ride to Aguas Calientes and the ëlost cityí of Machu Picchu.

Day 8: Rise earlyfor a comprehensive guided tour of the Machu Picchu site. Rich in vegetation the variation of altitude gives rise to different types of forest from lowland rainforest to cloud forest. In the afternoon rejoin the train heading back to Cusco.

Day 9: Free morning in Cusco, return afternoon flight to Lima.

Day 10: Visit Project Peru - - a centre for disadvantaged children in the suburbs of Lima. Contact us to discuss what your school/college could do here.

Day 11: Depart for home

Day 12: Arrive UK

Contact us and start getting excited about an incredible journey today.