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Wilderness Medical Training Far From Help Course Report

Thank you to those teachers, expedition leaders, biologists, geologists and even a journalist who attended the excellent WMT (www.wildernessmedicaltraining.co.uk) Far From Help course at our offices in Exeter at the weekend. It was a pleasure to host such an event and we hope it will be the first of many.

If you are planning a wilderness trek or expedition or will be working in remote environments this really is the course of choice - covering so many aspects from keeping the whole team safe and well, to diagnosing common conditions and coping with serious trauma.

Special thanks to James Moore of WMT who delivered the course with his usual mix of wit, practical examples and the odd gory slide. James’ professionalism, knowledge, and experience in the field comes shining through in his delivery and I’m sure I speak for most on the course when I say the two days really does give you the knowledge to feel confident in a whole host of situations.

Given the fact that my medical kit will now be double the size of what it was before, I doubt I will have any room for clothes when I next go travelling! Perhaps the easier, and without doubt safer, option, would just be to pack James instead! If you need a first class expedition medic then you can contact him at www.travelhealthconsultancy.co.uk